A few weeks ago the weather was beautiful, sunny days without a cloud in the sky. Unfortunately, Portland is back to its normal rainy self, leaving me to dream about the past few sunny weeks. I had gotten into a pretty good rhythm consisting of spending as much time outdoors as I possibly could. One of these days, probably my favorite from the past few weeks, Matt and I spent the whole day together. We started off by going a getting a few plants for my house (who doesn't like new plants??) and when we got back we went for a long walk through my neighborhood and ended up walking through a park a few blocks from my house. When we got back I decided that since the weather was so nice that this was a good day for a spring cocktail (I am a huge fan of gin and tonics but they are best during the warmer months), thus this drink:
Grapefruit G+T
You will need:
4-5 oz soda water
.75 oz
Jack Rudy Small Batch Tonic (instead you can just use tonic water)
1.5 oz gin (I use Hendricks)
1 wedge of grapefruit (I made these drinks so they only had a hint of grapefruit but you could easily add more!)
Fill a small glass with ice, add the gin, tonic concentrate, and squeeze the juice out of the grapefruit wedge. Stir, then top with soda water. *If you are using tonic water top with that instead and omit the tonic concentrate. Enjoy!
Happy sipping!
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