Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Confessions of a Blogger

Ella of Paper Umbrella Blog tagged me in this so I thought I would give it a go. 

1. When did you first start blogging and why?
I first started blogging at the end of September of this year. For the past few years I have followed a few blogs and a few of my friends had started them to document their lives and their travels. I have always thought that keep a journal would be cool, in fact I have been successful for a few short bouts of time but nothing longer than a few months. I thought starting a blog might let me have a place that I could document my travels, recipes, projects, and adventures. After I decided to start a blog it took me a few months to actually start one (I am the queen of putting things off...) but I decided that the start of culinary school would be the perfect time to here we are. 

2. Have you had any past online presence?
Not really. I have had things such a facebook and pinterest but nothing so personal as a blog.

3. When did you become serious about your blog?
I'm not sure what the exact definition of "serious" is...I try to post here a few times a week...I think knowing that my friends and family back in New Hampshire can easily keep up my life out here in Portland has kept me posting as often as I do. 

4. What was your first blog post?
My first real blog post was homemade pasta with alfredo sauce and apple crisp. I think that pretty much sums up my favorite type of meal warm, creamy, and comforting.

5. What have been your biggest challenges blogging?
Keeping up with posting...I have all of these posts that I keep meaning to do but I always put them off again and again..beating this type of procrastination is one of my current goals.

6. What is the most rewarding thing about blogging?

Having people tell me that they tried one of my recipes or projects. It makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time writing recipe after recipe on here. 

7. What is the most discouraging thing about blogging?
I am definitely no wiz at programming, although I am starting to learn a little bit about coding through trying to change simple things in my blogs layout. Even though this can be really discouraging sometimes it also feels really great when I do figure something out. 

8. What is your lasting inspiration or motivation?

Knowing that I will have this collection of recipes and projects for many years into the future, and also that I can always access this collection as long as I have internet or my computer. It is nice to know that there is one place that holds all of different recipes, and projects, and memories from many different places. 

9. What is your blogging dirty little secret?
I probably spend wayyyyy too much time on pinterest brainstorming different things for this blog. Especially since I also put off doing projects or writing posts too.

10. What is your current goal as a blogger?
My current goal is to stick with this blog for at least an entire year. I want to be able to look back next September and feel accomplished that I was able to stick with some form of writing for an entire year. As I mentioned before, I'm terrible at keeping with journals. Normally, I will start one and last about three days and then forget about it for a long time. 

11. Have you learned or become passionate about anything through blogging that caught you by surprise?

I have become more passionate about trying to figure out ways that I can make something instead of just going out a buying something. Also trying new recipes! I am always looking for new, exciting recipes to try and share!

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